Ty and Dr. Abdullah Al-Bahrani, co-founders of the financial literacy program Danny Dollar Academy, did an interview with Tim Ranzetta at the Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) Podcast.
Continue reading “Ty Featured on Personal Finance Podcast”Author & Youth Motivational Speaker
Ty and Dr. Abdullah Al-Bahrani, co-founders of the financial literacy program Danny Dollar Academy, did an interview with Tim Ranzetta at the Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) Podcast.
Continue reading “Ty Featured on Personal Finance Podcast”Most of you know that Ty and Danny Dollar made an appearance on a Marvel’s Hero Project episode featuring Sidney Keys, a young man who was inspired by Ty’s book to create a book club for black boys. Well we just discovered that ANOTHER Marvel’s Hero Project member was influenced by Danny Dollar!!! That’s right, not one, but TWO Marvel Heroes!!
Continue reading “Ty Interviewed by Marvel Hero Jahkil Jackson”“Ty Allan Jackson – Helping Kids Find Their Superpower in Reading”
We always knew it, but now it’s an irrefutable fact: Ty Allan Jackson is a Formidable Man💪🏾. Last week Ty was interviewed by Gracia Rich at Formidable Men Magazine about his efforts to promote reading and financial literacy in children. Ty discusses his toughest hurdles as an independent author, his idea of a perfect date (ooh-la-la!) and what’s next for the Ty Allan Jackson team.
Click here to read the full article: https://formidablemen.com/ty-allan-jackson-helping-kids-find-their-superpower-in-reading/
Photos by Bill Wright
by Ty Allan Jackson
As an author, I’ve had the privilege of visiting schools all across the country. It’s such an enlightening experience to engage with students and educators from all different cultures, races, and economic backgrounds, particularly in February during Black History Month. Whether I’m visiting a predominately black or a predominantly white school during that month, the theme is the same: learning about black leaders who struggled mightily in the face of unimaginable adversity to create equality for black people. While I believe that black history needs to be taught in every school, it can’t be the only aspect of black culture that we teach our children. And it usually is. In my opinion there are two big issues with this approach: it focuses too much on struggle, and too much on the past.
Continue reading “How to Expand on Black History Month”Look cool, be cozy, and promote literacy!
Our READ OR ELSE hoodies are now available in custom colors, so you and your family can look super cool AND stay warm this winter 🔥
Continue reading “NEW Supadupa Gift Bundle and ROE Merch!”BREAKING NEWS: Stir-Crazy Author Resorts to Dining Out with His Book Character
Okay friends, we have a situation… Ty is in dire need of human interaction.
Well we have some good news for Ty’s sanity and for kids everywhere: Ty is now doing VIRTUAL SCHOOL VISITS!! Woohoo! 🥳🎉🎊🤗
Continue reading “Join Ty’s Virtual Speaking Tour!”“Illiteracy impacts every single one of us…it is our obligation to promote the importance, joy and power of reading. All it takes is one book to change a life.” – Ty Allan Jackson
Our mission is simple: empower children to achieve greatness through literacy. The fight against illiteracy is an uphill battle, but we do the work knowing that children who read are statistically more likely to succeed later in life.
Read on to learn more about the impacts of illiteracy and our solution to the problem.
Continue reading “Why Illiteracy?”Ty was featured as the Executive Spotlight in the Business Insider section of the Berkshire Eagle on August 2, 2020. In this Sunday edition, Ty talked about why he became a writer, the books that helped form the person he is today, and what success means to him.
Continue reading “Executive Spotlight: Ty Allan Jackson”The Supadupa Kid 2: MOVE
I’m so proud and excited to announce that I am now the author of five books…The Supadupa Kid 2: MOVE has arrived! This book has been a long time in the making, and I am so excited for Supadupa Kid fans to read it.
Continue reading “It’s finally here…”by Ty Allan Jackson
Do you want to know my #1 strategy for entertaining a room full of fidgety elementary school students? Here it is: before a presentation begins, I try to have as many individual interactions with the students as possible. Even if they only last one moment. So it was in that spirit that I zigzagged my way through a packed school cafeteria in Troy, NY last September, chatting and high-fiving students as they settled in for my presentation. After a few minutes, a 10-year-old boy at a table near the front beckoned me over. “I didn’t like reading until I read your book,” he said matter-of-factly, holding up a copy of The Supadupa Kid.
Continue reading “Read Across America 2020”